


  1. Start with a clear understanding of the potential side effects of the medication. This can be done through research, discussions with healthcare professionals, or reading patient information sheets.

  2. Use real-world examples and scenarios to illustrate the potential side effects. This can help trainees to better understand how the side effects can affect patients' lives.

  3. Provide practical tips and strategies for managing side effects. This can include information on how to take the medication safely, how to recognize and report side effects, and how to find support groups or other resources.

  4. Emphasize the importance of patient education and self-management. This can help trainees to understand the importance of taking their medications as prescribed and to monitor their own health for any changes.

  5. Use interactive activities and simulations to reinforce the concepts taught in the training. This can help trainees to practice using the medication and to learn about the potential side effects in a safe and controlled environment.

  6. Provide feedback and support throughout the training process. This can help trainees to stay engaged and to ask questions.
