Can you provide examples of common transitions used in English writing?


Sure.跟着句子进行,可以使用多种过渡句式。1)连词、介词和副词:例如with through due to because of as a result of等;2)转移语义或话题的短语:如然而,另一方面、另外、从另一个角度来看等;3)表示因果关系的句式:如 If this occurs then that will happen.、Since Ive been here the weather has been….等。

在英语写作中,常见的过渡句包括:however nevertheless although meanwhile while so but on the other hand and consequently.正是由于这些过渡句的使用,作者能够更好地组织句子和段落。例如,如果你想说明一些相反的观点或对比两种观点的话,你可以说Although we cannot deny that there are some positive aspects to the new policy it has its drawbacks as well.通过在这个例子中使用although来表明你正在做两件事情:列举积极方面的事情和列出缺点。

常见的英语写作过渡有:but on the other hand however furthermore also moreover等等.导语结尾句子是文章的重点,起到总结归纳的作用。过渡词使用恰当的话,能够使文章流畅、连贯且易于理解,避免了文章中的跳跃感和逻辑混乱的问题,也使得读者在阅读过程中能更轻松地跟随思路。

Common transitions in English writing include 务词:used to becoming become began end up turn out等等。 连词:although because if but and on the other hand等等。 介词:in at for等。 副词:however nevertheless moreover等等。 时间状语:by now、meantime、while、as soon as等。 地点状语:over there、at home等。 原因状语:thus so that等等。 疑问句:When Whereas Why等。

Of course.没有任何问题!以下是一些常见的英语写作中的过渡句: However... On the other hand Additionally Furthermore In conclusion To summarize So to sum up Finally By extension1 ContrarilyThere are many more transition words and phrases in English writing but these should give you a good starting point.

Yes here are a few common transition words and phrases that can be used to connect ideas in an essay or other written work.没有任何问题,我将会继续。


是的,这里有常见的英语写作中的过渡词,包括 but、however、furthermore 等。看看这些词汇,你可能会认为有些是在句子中起到转折作用的,一些则更像在段落之间进行联系或转移注意力的作用:
